Reference: Huheey, pps. A-21 to A-34; T.L. Cottrell, "The Strengths of Chemical Bonds," 2nd ed., Butterworths, London, 1958; B. deB. Darwent, "National StandardBond Length (Å) Table \(\PageIndex{5}\): Bond strength and bond length; C-C: 348: 1.54: C=C: 614: 1.34: C=C: 839: 1. As the number of bonds between two atoms increases, the bond grows shorter and stronger. Summary. Bond order is the number of electron pairs that hold two atoms together. Single bonds have a bond order of one, and multiple bondsExperimental bond lengths This table lists coordinate descriptions and how many of that type of coordinate are in the CCCBDB. "=" indicates a double bond. "#" indicates a triple bond. Click on the description for a list of that type.Bond length Last updated February 19, 2021. In molecular geometry, bond length or bond distance is defined as the average distance between nuclei of two bonded atoms in a molecule.It is a transferable property of a bond between atoms of fixed types, relatively independent of the rest of the molecule.. Contents. Explanation; Bond lengths of carbon with other elementsAverage bond energies for some common bonds appear in Table 1 and Appendix G, and a comparison of bond lengths for some common bonds appears in Table 2 and Appendix G. When one atom bonds to various atoms in a group, the bond strength typically decreases (and bond length increases) as we move down the group.
9.10: Bond Energies and Bond Lengths - Chemistry LibreTexts
In molecular geometry, bond length or bond distance is defined as the average distance between nuclei of two bonded atoms in a molecule. It is a transferable property of a bond between atoms of fixed types, relatively independent of the rest of the molecule.Tables of bond lengths determined by X-ray and neutron diffraction. Part 1. Bond lengths in organic compounds . Frank H. Allen, Olga Kennard, David G. Watson, Lee Brammer, A. Guy Orpen and Robin Taylor Abstract. The average lengths of bonds involving the elements H, B, C, N, O, F, Si, P, S, Cl, As, Se, Br, Te, and l in organic compounds areBond length is the experimentally determined average distance between two bonded atoms. Bonded atoms vibrate due to thermal energy available in the surroundings. Bond lengths are typically in the range of 100-200 pm (1-2 Å). As a general trend, bond length decreases across a row in the periodic table and increases down a group.Higher energy corresponds to shorter bond. However, there is no simple relationship that allows to convert the bond length into energy or vice versa. Bond energy is a measure of its strength. The higher is the bond energy, the more work you have to do to break it. The bond energy increases with its multiplicity. A double bond between the same

CCCBDB Experimental bond lengths
Species Name Bond type Bond Length (Å) Experimental unc. Calculated Difference atom1 atom2; C 5 H 8 O: Methyl cyclopropyl ketone: rCH: 1.126 : 1.102-0.024: 3: 7: LiOH: lithium hydroxideBond Lengths. Average Bond Lengths in Picometers (pm) Adapted from: Olmsted & Williams, Chemistry, 5th Edition, 2011. Reference: CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 2007. Page updated. Google Sites. Report abuseBond Lengths and Enthalpies . Bond Length (pm) Enthalpy (kJ/mol) Bond Length (pm) Enthalpy (kJ/mol) Bond Length (pm) Enthalpy (kJ/mol) Bond Length (pm) Enthalpy (kJ/mol) H-H 74 436 N-S 168 Si-Br 216 Cl-Cl 199 242 H-F 92 567 N-F 139 272 Si-I 240 Cl-Br 214 218 H-Cl 127 431 N-Cl 191 200 P-H 142 Cl-I 243 208To summarize the information in the table, remember the bond strength order C(sp)-H > C(sp2)-H > C(sp3)-H. The reverse would be true about the bond lengths. The Strength of Sigma and Pi Bonds. There is one important thing we should address when comparing the strength of a single bond with a double or a triple bond.between the nuclei in a bond. Knowing the bond length in a molecule can sometimes give clues as to the type of bonding present. Covalent radii are values assigned to atoms such that the sum of the radii of atoms "A" and "B" approximate the A-B bond length. Bond Length and Bond Order • Table 9.4 lists some covalent radii for nonmetals.
Species Name Bond kind Bond Length (Å) Experimental unc. Calculated Difference atom1 atom2 C5H8O Methyl cyclopropyl ketone rCH 1.126 1.102 -0.024 3 7 LiOH lithium hydroxide rOH 0.969 0.958 -0.011 1 3 C3F6 hexafluoropropene rCF 1.329 ±0.003 1.319 -0.010 1 4 CH3CH2CH2CH3 Butane rCH 1.117 1.110 -0.007 1 5 CH3OCl methyl hypochlorite rCH 1.111 ±0.018 1.105 -0.006 3 4 C4H8O2 Ethyl acetate rCH 1.105 1.101 -0.004 1 7 H2Cl+ dihydrogen monochloride cation rHCl 1.321 ±0.000 1.317 -0.004 1 2 CF3COOH trifluoroacetic acid rCC 1.546 ±0.005 1.543 -0.003 1 2 ArH+ Argon hydride cation rArH 1.292 ±0.000 1.290 -0.002 1 2 CH3OC2H5 Ethane, methoxy- rCO 1.415 ±0.005 1.414 -0.001 1 2 HClO4 perchloric acid rOH 0.980 0.980 0.000 3 6 SiH2Cl2 dichlorosilane rSiH 1.480 ±0.015 1.480 0.000 1 2 C5H8 Ethenylcyclopropane rCH 1.099 1.099 0.000 1 6 HeH+ Helium hydride cation rHHe 0.790 0.790 0.000 1 2 HSe Selenium monohydride rSeH 1.475 ±0.010 1.476 0.001 1 2 KrH+ Protonated Krypton rHKr 1.421 ±0.000 1.423 0.002 1 2 CH3CH2CHO Propanal rCH 1.103 1.105 0.002 1 6 CH3NH2 methyl amine rCN 1.471 ±0.003 1.474 0.003 1 2 DF Hydrofluoric acid-d rDF 0.917 ±0.000 0.920 0.003 1 2 NH4+ ammonium cation rHN 1.029 ±0.000 1.032 0.003 1 2 HF Hydrogen fluoride rHF 0.917 ±0.000 0.920 0.003 1 2 CH2Cl chloromethyl radical rCH 1.090 ±0.010 1.094 0.004 1 3 AsH Arsenic monohydride rAsH 1.535 ±0.001 1.538 0.004 1 2 He2+ helium diatomic cation rHeHe 1.081 ±0.001 1.085 0.004 1 2 C3H6O 2-Propen-1-ol rCH 1.102 ±0.020 1.106 0.004 1 6 CH2CHCH2CH3 1-Butene rCC 1.536 1.541 0.005 1 2 NH2F monofluoroamine rNF 1.433 1.438 0.005 1 2 B2H6 Diborane rBH 1.200 1.206 0.006 1 5 CH2NH Methanimine rCH 1.103 1.109 0.006 1 3 CH3CH2CHO Propanal rCH 1.105 1.111 0.006 2 8 C3H3NO Oxazole rCO 1.357 ±0.003 1.363 0.006 1 2 CH3CH2CH2CH3 Butane rCC 1.531 1.537 0.006 1 2 HS+ sulfur monohydride cation rSH 1.374 1.380 0.006 1 2 FNO2 Nitryl fluoride rNF 1.467 ±0.015 1.474 0.007 1 2 NaF sodium fluoride rNaF 1.926 ±0.000 1.933 0.007 1 2 C4H8O2 Ethyl acetate rCC 1.515 1.522 0.007 5 6 HBr+ hydrogen bromide cation rHBr 1.448 1.455 0.007 1 2 NO Nitric oxide rN=O 1.154 ±0.000 1.161 0.007 1 2 HO2 Hydroperoxy radical rOH 0.971 0.978 0.008 1 3 C3H3NO Oxazole rCO 1.370 ±0.002 1.378 0.008 1 5 CH3NH2 methyl amine rNH 1.018 ±0.001 1.026 0.008 2 6 C4H8O2 Ethyl acetate rCC 1.508 1.516 0.008 1 2 O2 Oxygen diatomic rO=O 1.208 1.216 0.009 1 2 H2O Water rOH 0.958 ±0.000 0.966 0.009 1 2 C5H6 Propellane rCC 1.525 ±0.002 1.534 0.009 1 2 CH3CH2CHO Propanal rCC 1.523 1.532 0.009 1 2 C3H6O 2-Propen-1-ol rCH 1.091 ±0.010 1.100 0.009 3 9 CH3CCH propyne rCH 1.096 1.105 0.009 1 5 CH3CH2CHO Propanal rCH 1.115 1.124 0.009 3 10 CH3CH2CHO Propanal rCH 1.096 1.105 0.009 1 5 O2+ diatomic oxygen cation rOO 1.116 1.126 0.009 1 2 C3H6O 2-Propen-1-ol rCH 1.092 ±0.010 1.101 0.009 2 7 CH2PH H2CPH rCH 1.090 ±0.015 1.100 0.010 1 3 OCSe Carbonyl selenide rC=O 1.159 1.168 0.010 1 2 FNO2 Nitryl fluoride rN=O 1.180 ±0.005 1.190 0.010 1 3 HBr hydrogen bromide rHBr 1.414 ±0.000 1.424 0.010 1 2 CH2CO Ketene rCH 1.083 1.092 0.010 1 4 DO Hydroxyl-d rDO 0.970 0.980 0.010 1 2 H2Se Hydrogen selenide rSeH 1.460 1.470 0.010 1 2 OH Hydroxyl radical rOH 0.970 0.980 0.010 1 2 HCCl Chloromethylene rCH 1.119 ±0.036 1.129 0.010 1 3 CH3CHO Acetaldehyde rCH 1.114 1.124 0.010 1 4 CH2 Methylene rCH 1.085 1.096 0.011 1 2 CH2PH H2CPH rCH 1.090 ±0.015 1.101 0.011 1 4 SiH3Cl chlorosilane rSiH 1.475 1.486 0.011 1 3 HO2 Hydroperoxy radical rOO 1.331 1.341 0.011 1 2 SiH4 Silane rSiH 1.480 ±0.000 1.491 0.011 1 2 C4H8O2 Ethyl acetate rC=O 1.203 1.215 0.012 2 4 CH3CH2CHO Propanal rCC 1.509 1.521 0.012 2 3 CH3CHFCH3 2-Fluoropropane rCH 1.093 ±0.006 1.105 0.012 4 8 CH3OC2H5 Ethane, methoxy- rCO 1.407 ±0.004 1.419 0.012 2 3 CH3CHFCH3 2-Fluoropropane rCH 1.094 ±0.005 1.106 0.012 4 10 NF nitrogen fluoride rNF 1.317 1.329 0.012 1 2 C2H2ClF 1-chloro-1-fluoroethylene rCH 1.082 ±0.001 1.094 0.013 2 5 CO+ carbon monoxide cation rC=O 1.115 ±0.000 1.128 0.013 1 2 BeH2 beryllium dihydride rBeH 1.326 ±0.000 1.339 0.013 1 2 HOBr Hypobromous acid rOH 0.961 0.974 0.013 1 2 C5H8O Methyl cyclopropyl ketone rCC 1.510 1.523 0.013 2 3 COBr2 Carbonic dibromide rC=O 1.172 ±0.003 1.185 0.013 1 2 CH3OC2H5 Ethane, methoxy- rCH 1.092 ±0.007 1.105 0.013 4 11 NO+ nitric oxide cation rN=O 1.066 1.079 0.013 1 2 C4H8 cyclobutane rCH 1.093 1.107 0.013 1 5 HCl+ hydrogen chloride cation rHCl 1.315 1.328 0.013 1 2 C3H6 Cyclopropane rCH 1.083 1.097 0.014 1 4 AsH3 Arsine rAsH 1.511 ±0.000 1.525 0.014 1 2 ScH Scandium monohydride rScH 1.775 ±0.000 1.789 0.014 1 2 CH3OC2H5 Ethane, methoxy- rCH 1.099 ±0.007 1.113 0.014 1 6 CH2NN diazomethane rC=N 1.300 1.314 0.014 1 2 CH3CHClCH3 Propane, 2-chloro- rCH 1.091 1.105 0.014 2 5 C4H8 cyclobutane rCH 1.091 1.105 0.014 1 6 B2H6 Diborane rBH 1.320 1.334 0.014 1 3 CH2CO Ketene rC=O 1.162 1.176 0.014 2 3 GeH germylidene rGeH 1.588 1.602 0.014 1 2 AlH aluminum monohydride rAlH 1.648 1.662 0.014 1 2 MgH magnesium monohydride rMgH 1.730 1.744 0.014 1 2 CF3COOH trifluoroacetic acid rC=O 1.192 ±0.003 1.207 0.015 2 4 C5H8 Ethenylcyclopropane rCC 1.475 1.490 0.015 1 2 CH3OC2H5 Ethane, methoxy- rCH 1.100 ±0.003 1.115 0.015 3 8 BO boron monoxide rB=O 1.205 1.220 0.015 1 2 CH2NN diazomethane rCH 1.075 1.090 0.015 1 4 C2H Ethynyl radical rC#C 1.217 1.232 0.015 1 2 C4H8O2 Ethyl acetate rCO 1.345 1.360 0.015 2 3 N3 azide radical rNN 1.181 1.197 0.015 1 2 CH3CHClCH3 Propane, 2-chloro- rCH 1.092 1.108 0.016 3 6 C3H4 cyclopropene rCH 1.088 1.104 0.016 1 6 DCl Hydrochloric acid-d rDCl 1.275 ±0.000 1.290 0.016 1 2 HCl Hydrogen chloride rHCl 1.275 ±0.000 1.290 0.016 1 2 C3H3NO Oxazole rCH 1.075 ±0.001 1.091 0.016 4 7 C3F6 hexafluoropropene rC=C 1.329 ±0.003 1.345 0.016 1 2 C2H2 Acetylene rCH 1.063 1.079 0.016 1 3 C3H3NO Oxazole rCH 1.073 ±0.001 1.089 0.016 5 8 C3H3NO Oxazole rCH 1.075 ±0.001 1.091 0.016 2 6 BeH beryllium monohydride rBeH 1.343 1.359 0.016 1 2 SiH3+ Silyl cation rSiH 1.460 ±0.010 1.476 0.016 1 2 CO Carbon monoxide rC#O 1.128 ±0.000 1.145 0.016 1 2 CH4 Methane rCH 1.087 ±0.001 1.104 0.017 1 2 C3H6O 2-Propen-1-ol rCH 1.096 ±0.030 1.113 0.017 1 5 SiH+ silicon monohydride cation rSiH 1.504 1.521 0.017 1 2 CH3CHO Acetaldehyde rCH 1.086 1.103 0.017 2 5 CH3OC2H5 Ethane, methoxy- rCH 1.089 ±0.008 1.106 0.017 4 10 CH3CHFCH3 2-Fluoropropane rCH 1.092 1.109 0.017 1 3 CH2NN diazomethane rN=N 1.139 1.156 0.017 2 3 CH3OC2H5 Ethane, methoxy- rCH 1.086 ±0.010 1.104 0.018 1 5 HS Mercapto radical rSH 1.341 1.359 0.018 1 2 CH3CHFCH3 2-Fluoropropane rCH 1.088 ±0.006 1.106 0.018 4 6 DS Mercapto-d rSD 1.341 1.359 0.018 1 2 CH3Br methyl bromide rCH 1.082 ±0.001 1.101 0.018 1 3 C2H2+ acetylene cation rCH 1.077 ±0.005 1.095 0.018 1 3 CH3Br methyl bromide rCBr 1.934 ±0.000 1.953 0.019 1 2 BH3 boron trihydride rBH 1.190 1.209 0.019 1 2 CH3CCH propyne rCH 1.060 1.079 0.019 3 4 CH3CSNH2 Ethanethioamide rC=S 1.647 ±0.002 1.666 0.019 1 2 C3H4 cyclopropene rCH 1.072 1.091 0.019 2 4 D2 Deuterium diatomic rDD 0.742 0.761 0.019 1 2 HD Deuterium hydride rDH 0.741 0.761 0.019 1 2 FO Oxygen monofluoride rFO 1.354 1.374 0.020 1 2 H2 Hydrogen diatomic rHH 0.741 0.761 0.020 1 2 C3H6O 2-Propen-1-ol rCH 1.078 ±0.010 1.098 0.020 3 8 C3H6 Cyclopropane rCC 1.501 1.521 0.020 1 2 NH Imidogen rNH 1.036 1.056 0.020 1 2 C2H3 vinyl rCH 1.085 1.105 0.020 2 4 CH2CHCH2CH3 1-Butene rCC 1.493 1.513 0.020 2 3 LiOH lithium hydroxide rLiO 1.582 1.602 0.020 1 2 SiH Silylidyne rSiH 1.520 1.540 0.020 1 2 CH3NH2 methyl amine rCH 1.093 ±0.000 1.113 0.020 1 3 C2H2+ acetylene cation rC=C 1.253 ±0.001 1.273 0.020 1 2 SCSe Carbon sulfide selenide rC=Se 1.695 ±0.002 1.716 0.021 1 3 CH3CH2O Ethoxy radical rCH 1.085 1.106 0.021 1 5 CBrClF2 Methane, bromochlorodifluoro- rCBr 1.932 ±0.004 1.953 0.021 1 2 HNCNH diiminomethane rC=N 1.224 ±0.001 1.245 0.021 1 2 BF3 Borane, trifluoro- rBF 1.307 1.328 0.021 1 2 CH3CH2O Ethoxy radical rCH 1.086 1.107 0.021 1 4 CH3OCl methyl hypochlorite rCH 1.086 ±0.018 1.107 0.021 3 5 BN boron nitride rB=N 1.325 1.346 0.021 1 2 CSe2 Carbon diselenide rC=Se 1.692 ±0.000 1.713 0.021 1 2 N2 Nitrogen diatomic rN#N 1.098 1.119 0.021 1 2 OCSe Carbonyl selenide rC=Se 1.709 1.730 0.021 1 3 PH phosphorus monohydride rPH 1.422 1.444 0.022 1 2 LiNH2 lithium amide rLiN 1.736 ±0.003 1.758 0.022 1 2 GaF Gallium monofluoride rFGa 1.774 ±0.000 1.796 0.022 1 2 OH- hydroxide anion rOH 0.964 0.987 0.023 1 2 CN- cyanide anion rC#N 1.177 ±0.004 1.200 0.023 1 2 C5H6 Propellane rCC 1.596 ±0.005 1.619 0.023 2 5 HS- mercapto anion rSH 1.343 1.367 0.023 1 2 BH Boron monohydride rBH 1.232 1.256 0.023 1 2 CH Methylidyne rCH 1.120 1.144 0.024 1 2 LiH Lithium Hydride rLiH 1.595 ±0.000 1.619 0.024 1 2 BeCl beryllium monochloride rBeCl 1.797 1.821 0.024 1 2 MgH+ magnesium monohydride cation rMgH 1.652 1.676 0.024 1 2 C4H6 Bicyclo[1.1.0]butane rCC 1.497 1.522 0.025 1 2 H2CS Thioformaldehyde rC=S 1.611 1.635 0.025 1 2 SCSe Carbon sulfide selenide rC=S 1.553 ±0.002 1.578 0.025 1 2 C2H2 Acetylene rC#C 1.203 1.229 0.026 1 2 LiF lithium fluoride rLiF 1.564 ±0.000 1.590 0.026 1 2 BCl boron monochloride rBCl 1.719 ±0.000 1.746 0.026 1 2 C2H6O2S Dimethyl sulfone rCS 1.777 ±0.006 1.804 0.027 1 4 TiCl Titanium Monochloride rClTi 2.265 ±0.000 2.292 0.028 1 2 C2 Carbon diatomic rC=C 1.243 1.271 0.028 1 2 CSe Carbon monoselenide rC=Se 1.676 ±0.000 1.705 0.028 1 2 NS+ nitrogen sulfide cation rNS 1.440 1.469 0.029 1 2 BF Boron monofluoride rBF 1.267 ±0.000 1.295 0.029 1 2 CH3CH2O Ethoxy radical rCH 1.088 1.117 0.029 2 7 C3O2 Carbon suboxide rC=O 1.146 1.175 0.029 2 4 HCCl Chloromethylene rCCl 1.696 ±0.003 1.726 0.030 1 2 SiC silicon monocarbide rCSi 1.722 1.753 0.031 1 2 C3H5 Allyl radical rCH 1.069 1.101 0.032 1 2 CS carbon monosulfide rC#S 1.535 1.567 0.032 1 2 Se2 Selenium diatomic rSe=Se 2.166 ±0.001 2.199 0.033 1 2 C2H Ethynyl radical rCH 1.047 1.080 0.033 1 3 NSe Nitrogen monoselenide rN=Se 1.652 1.685 0.033 1 2 GeF Germanium monofluoride rFGe 1.745 1.779 0.034 1 2 SeO2 Selenium dioxide rSeO 1.607 ±0.001 1.641 0.034 1 2 SiP Silicon monophosphide rSiP 2.078 ±0.002 2.112 0.035 1 2 SOCl2 thionyl chloride rS=O 1.443 ±0.006 1.478 0.035 1 2 BeS beryllium sulfide rBe=S 1.742 1.777 0.036 1 2 NaH sodium hydride rNaH 1.887 ±0.000 1.924 0.037 1 2 As4 Arsenic tetramer rAsAs 2.435 2.472 0.037 1 2 B2 Boron diatomic rBB 1.590 1.628 0.038 1 2 As2 Arsenic diatomic rAs#As 2.103 2.140 0.038 1 2 BeO beryllium oxide rBe=O 1.331 1.369 0.038 1 2 C5H8O Cyclopentanone rCC 1.504 1.542 0.038 2 3 SeO Selenium monoxide rSeO 1.639 ±0.001 1.678 0.039 1 2 LiO lithium oxide rLiO 1.688 1.727 0.039 1 2 GeCl Germanium monochloride rClGe 2.164 ±0.000 2.204 0.040 1 2 SiH3Cl chlorosilane rSiCl 2.051 2.091 0.041 1 2 AsF Arsenic monofluoride rFAs 1.736 ±0.001 1.777 0.041 1 2 NaCl Sodium Chloride rNaCl 2.361 ±0.000 2.403 0.042 1 2 NS Mononitrogen monosulfide rNS 1.497 ±0.000 1.539 0.042 1 2 SiS silicon monosulfide rSiS 1.929 ±0.000 1.972 0.042 1 2 C3O2 Carbon suboxide rC=C 1.251 1.294 0.043 1 2 MgS magnesium sulfide rMgS 2.143 2.186 0.043 1 2 P2 Phosphorus diatomic rP#P 1.893 1.937 0.044 1 2 SiH2Cl2 dichlorosilane rSiCl 2.033 ±0.003 2.077 0.044 1 4 GeF+ Germanium monofluoride cation rFGe 1.665 ±0.000 1.710 0.044 1 2 F2SO Thionyl Fluoride rO=S 1.413 ±0.000 1.458 0.046 1 2 F2 Fluorine diatomic rFF 1.412 1.458 0.046 1 2 S2+ sulfur diatomic cation rS=S 1.825 ±0.010 1.872 0.047 1 2 PS phosphorus sulfide rP=S 1.900 1.948 0.048 1 2 AlC Aluminum carbide rC=Al 1.955 2.003 0.048 1 2 SOF4 Sulfur tetrafluoride oxide rFS 1.596 ±0.003 1.645 0.049 1 3 S2 Sulfur diatomic rS=S 1.889 1.939 0.050 1 2 HClO4 perchloric acid rO=Cl 1.414 ±0.001 1.464 0.050 1 2 Si2 Silicon diatomic rSiSi 2.246 2.296 0.050 1 2 NaBr Sodium Bromide rNaBr 2.502 ±0.000 2.552 0.050 1 2 HOBr Hypobromous acid rBrO 1.834 1.886 0.052 2 3 BeF Beryllium monofluoride rBeF 1.361 1.413 0.052 1 2 CaH Calcium monohydride rCaH 2.003 ±0.000 2.054 0.052 1 2 C2H6O2S Dimethyl sulfone rS=O 1.431 ±0.004 1.483 0.052 1 2 AlCl Aluminum monochloride rAlCl 2.130 ±0.000 2.183 0.052 1 2 ClO Monochlorine monoxide rClO 1.596 ±0.001 1.650 0.054 1 2 SO Sulfur monoxide rS=O 1.481 1.535 0.054 1 2 HSSSH trisulfane rSS 2.054 ±0.000 2.108 0.054 1 2 ClOF3 Chlorine trifluoride oxide rFCl 1.713 ±0.003 1.768 0.055 1 4 Li2 Lithium diatomic rLiLi 2.673 2.728 0.055 1 2 GaAs Gallium arsenide rGa#As 2.530 ±0.020 2.587 0.057 1 2 SF Monosulfur monofluoride rSF 1.599 1.658 0.059 1 2 BrF Bromine monofluoride rFBr 1.759 ±0.000 1.818 0.059 1 2 HOCl hypochlorous acid rClO 1.691 1.750 0.059 1 3 AlN Aluminum nitride rN#Al 1.786 1.846 0.060 1 2 CFCl chlorofluoromethylene rCCl 1.714 1.774 0.060 1 3 Br2 Bromine diatomic rBrBr 2.281 2.341 0.060 1 2 SCl2 Sulfur dichloride rSCl 2.013 ±0.001 2.073 0.060 1 2 PF2 Phosphorus difluoride rPF 1.579 1.640 0.061 1 2 LiBr Lithium Bromide rLiBr 2.170 ±0.000 2.232 0.061 1 2 PO- phosphorus monoxide anion rOP 1.540 1.602 0.062 1 2 BrCl Bromine monochloride rClBr 2.136 ±0.000 2.199 0.063 1 2 LiCl lithium chloride rLiCl 2.021 ±0.000 2.084 0.063 1 2 SCl sulfur monochloride rSCl 1.975 2.039 0.064 1 2 SOF4 Sulfur tetrafluoride oxide rFS 1.539 ±0.003 1.603 0.064 1 5 SiF silicon monofluoride rSiF 1.604 1.670 0.065 1 2 SiF2 Silicon difluoride rFSi 1.590 ±0.000 1.656 0.066 1 2 F2SO Thionyl Fluoride rFS 1.585 ±0.000 1.652 0.066 1 3 Cl2 Chlorine diatomic rClCl 1.988 2.055 0.067 1 2 ClF Chlorine monofluoride rFCl 1.628 ±0.000 1.695 0.067 1 2 PF+ phosphorus monofluoride cation rFP 1.500 1.569 0.069 1 2 HClO4 perchloric acid rO=Cl 1.404 ±0.001 1.474 0.070 1 4 C4H8O2 Ethyl acetate rCO 1.448 1.522 0.074 5 6 BrO Bromine monoxide rOBr 1.718 1.793 0.076 1 2 NaLi lithium sodium rLiNa 2.889 2.968 0.079 1 2 HClO4 perchloric acid rOCl 1.641 ±0.002 1.723 0.082 1 3 ClOF3 Chlorine trifluoride oxide rFCl 1.603 ±0.004 1.715 0.112 1 3 CaO Calcium monoxide rOCa 1.822 1.968 0.146 1 2 Al2Cl6 Aluminum, di-μ-chlorotetrachlorodi- rAlCl 2.040 ±0.040 2.314 0.274 1 3
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